Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/94

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tǣslicost on ancre rīt and sēo sǣ hrēohost byð, ðonne wot hē gewiss smelte wedere tōwæard. Đrēo þing[1] sint nēodbehǣfe ðām ēagan ēlcere sāwle: ān is þæt [hēo] hāl sīen; oððer, þæt hēo hāwien ðes þe hēo gesēon wolden; þridde, þæt hī magen gesēon þæt þæt hī gehāwian. Tō þām þrīm is Godes fultumes ðerf, forðām man nāþer ne ðā gōd nē nāne dōn ne mæge, būton hys fultume. Forðām hē is simle[2] tō biddanne þæt hē simle[3] bēo fultumiunde; forðām hyt is ðæt þæt hē ūs onbrirde and on þæt tihte þæt wē ǣrest wel willen, and syððan myd ūs wyrce þæt þæt he wile oð ðane first ðe wē hyt fulfremmen myd hym, and hūru hē myd ūs [wyrce] swā-swā myd sumum gewealdnum[4] tōlum swā-swā hyt[5] āwriten is, þæt ǣlcum wel wyrcenðum God myd bēo mydwyrhta. Wē witon ðæt nān man[6] mæg nāwyht goodes wyrcan būton hym God myd wyrce; and þēah[7] ne scal nān man[8] bēo ȳdel þæt hē hwæthwugu ne onginne be ðām myhtum[9] þe hym God gife.

A. Rihtne weg þū mē tǣcst. Nū ic wōt hwæt ic dōn sceal; ac ic nāt hwæðer ic mæg de ne mæg.

G. Ne scealt þū þē forðencan þæt[10] þū ful raðe ne mæge becuman[11] to þām ðe ðē þū wilnast. Hwā mæg ǣfre ǣnigne creft on lȳtlum firste geliornnian,[12] oððe lēasan oððe māran, þe þæne creft scyle? Đē is creft ealra crefta, þæt is, þæt man spurige æfter Gode and hys hāwie and hine gesēo. A. Wel þū me lērst; ac ic gemun hwæt þū mē ǣr gehēte, and swīðe gefagen anbīdie þāra gehāta; þæt wes,

secura possideat. Tria igitur ad animam þertinent, ut sana sit, ut aspiciat, ut videat. Alia vero tria, fides, sþes et charitas, primo illorum trium et secundo semper sunt necessaria: tertio vero in hac vita, omnia: post hanc vitam, sola charitas.

Nunc accipe, quantum praesens tempus exposcit, ex illa similitudine sensibilium etiam de Deo aliquid nunc me docente. Intelligibilis nempe Deus est, intelligibilia etiam illa disciplinarum spectamina; tamen plurimum differunt. Nam et terra visibilis, et lux; sed terra, nisi luce

  1. þinc.
  2. smile.
  3. smile.
  4. gewealnum.
  5. hys.
  6. ð nam mân.
  7. A letter erased after þeah.
  8. nam mân.
  9. mythtum.
  10. þeаð.
  11. beocuman.
  12. A letter erased between l and i in geliornnian.