Weland, the smith, 48.
Wendelsea, 133.
Wheel, simile of, 13, 61, 90, 151.
Wicked men, 126, 136, 138; powerlessness of, 119; non-existent, 126; at variance with themselves, 157.
Wickedness, why suffered by God, 135.
Will, the, 31, 105; the will for the deed, 167.
Wisdom, 35, 42; identical with God, 170; constituents of, 67; needs support of power, 145.
Wise saying, 155.
Witchcraft of Circe, 134.
World, structure of, 109.
Worldly prosperity, 11-13.
Worthies, forgotten, 48.
Wrong-doers need special treatment, 143.