Page:King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care (2).djvu/209

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deme swelc wite swelce he wene ðæt his hlaford him deman wolde, gif he hit wieste; forðæm ðonne we agyltað wið ða hlafordas, ðonne agylte we wið ðone God be hlafordscipe gescop. Be ðæm ilcan cwæð Moyses ; ða he gehierde ðæt ðæt folc mænde to him & Arone ymb hiera earfoðu, ða cwæð he: Hwæt is eower murcung wið unc? Hwæt sint wit? Wið God ge doð æt ge doð.

XXIX. Đætte on oðre wisan sint to manianne ða hlafordas, on oðre ða ðegnas & eac ða ðeowas.

On oðre wisan sint to manianne þa ðeowas, on oðre ða hlafordas. Đa ðeowas sint to manianne ðæt hie simle on him hæbben ða eaðmodnesse wið hiera hlafordas. Đa hlafordas sint to manianne ðæt hie [næfre] ne forgieten hu geliic hiera gecynd is, & hu gelice hie sint gesceapene ðæm ðeowum. Đa ðeowas sint to manianne ðætte hie hiera hlafordas ne forsion. Hiera hlafordas hie forsioð, gif hie his willan & his bebodu forhycgeað. Đæm hlafordum is eac to cyðanne ðætte hie wið Gode ofermodgiað for his agenre gife, gif hie ne ongietað ðæt þa bio hiera gelican & hiera efngemæccean on hiera gecynde, ða þe him underðiedde bioð ðurh Godes gesceafte. Ðæm ðeowan is to cyðonne ðæt he wiete ðæt he nis freoh wið his hlaford. Þæm hlaforde is to cyðonne ðæt he ongite ðæt he is efnðeow his ðeowe. Đæm ðeowan is beboden, & ðus to cweden : Bioð ge underðiedde eowrum worldhlafordum. And eft hit is gecweden: Ælc ðara þe sie under ðæm geoke hlafordsciepes, he sceal his hlaford æghwelcre are & weorðscipes wurðne onmunan. And eft hit is gecweden : Ge hlafordas, doð ge eowrum monnum ðæt ilce

sentence him to, if he knew it; for wlien we sin against our lords, we sin against the God who created authority. Moses spoke about the same; when he heard how the people complained to him and Aaron of their hardships, he said: “What is your murmuring against us? What are we? Against God ye do what ye XXIX. That masters are to be admonished in one way, in an- other servants and also slaves. Servants are to be admonished in one way, in another masters. Ser- vants are to be admonished always to preserve humility towards their masters. Masters are to be admonished never to forget how similar their nature is, and how similarly to the servants they are created. Servants