Page:King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care (2).djvu/438

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Hatton MS.]

cliopað, se ðe dearninga syngað; ac se hremð, se ðe openlice & orsorglice syngað. Ongean ðæt sint to manienne ða ðe hira synna onscuniað, & hi swaðeah ne forlætað, ðæt hi foreðonclice ongieten hu hi hi willen beladian on ðæm miclan dome, ðonne hi hi nyllað her beladian midðæmðæt hi him selfum demen, & hiora agna scylda on him selfum wrecen. Hwæt bioð hi elles buton liceteras, ðonne hi tælað ðæt ðæt hi nyllað forlætan? Ac hie sint to manienne ðæt hi óngieten ðæt hit bið se degla Godes dóm ðæt hi eft ðy mare wite hæbben ðe hi gere witon ðæt hi ón ðweorh doð, & ðeah nyllað geswican, ne nanwuht ymb ðæt swincan ðæt hi hit mægen forlætan. Swa hi hit ðonne swutolor witon, swa hi swiður forweorðað, forðæmðe hi ónfengon ðæt leoht ðæs ondgietes, & ðeah noldon forlætan ða ðistro ðæs wón weorces, ac ðæt andgit ðæt him God sende to fultome hi agimeleasedon. Ðæt ilce andgit bið eft on gewitnesse hira yfela æt ðæm dome, & geiecð hira witu ðætte him [ær] wæs onsended mid to dielgianne hira synna. Ac forðæmðe hi her syngiað, & hit him no ne hreowð, hi gehrinð her sumu wracu ær ðæm ecum witum ðæt hi ne sien freo né orsorge on ðæm anbide ðæs maran wites. Ac swa micle hi ónfoð ðær mare wite swa hi her gearor witon ðæt hi untela doð, & [hit] ðeah nyllað forlætan. Be ðæm cwæð Crist on his godspelle: Se ðegn, se ðe wát his hlafordes willan, & ðonne nyle wyrcean æfter his hlafordes willan, he bið manigra wita wyrðe. Be ðæm ilcan cwæð eac se salmscop on ðæm feower & fiftiogoðan psalme, he cwæð: Hi sculon gan libbende ón helle. Ða ðe libbende bioð, hi witon & ongietað hwæt ymb hi gedón bið; ða deadan ne magon nanwuht witan. Ða bioð genemde deade, & ða stigað ón helle, ða ðe nyton hwonne hi untela doð; ac ða ðe hit witon, & swaðeah doð, ða gað libbende & witende on helle.

LVI. Ðætte on oðre wisan sint to monianne ða ðe swiðe hrædlice bioð oferswiðde mid sumre unryhtgewilnung(e); on oðre wisan ða ðe longe ær ymbðeahtigeað, & hit ðonne on lasð ðurhtioð.

On oðre wisan sint to manienne ða ðe mid færlice luste bioð oferswiðde, on oðre ða ðe lange ymbðenceað & ðeahtiað, & swa weorðað