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King Lear, IV. iii

'Tis from your sister.

Gon. [Aside.] One way I like this well;
But being widow, and my Gloucester with her,
May all the building in my fancy pluck 85
Upon my hateful life; another way,
This news is not so tart. [To Messenger.] I'll read and answer.


Alb. Where was his son when they did take his eyes? 88

Mess. Come with my lady hither.

Alb. He is not here.

Mess. No, my good lord; I met him back again.

Alb. Knows he the wickedness?

Mess. Ay, my good lord; 'twas he inform'd against him, 92
And quit the house on purpose that their punishment
Might have the freer course.

Alb. Gloucester, I live
To thank thee for the love thou show'dst the king,
And to revenge thine eyes. Come hither, friend:
Tell me what more thou knowest. Exeunt.

Scene Three

[The French Camp, near Dover]

Enter Kent and a Gentleman.

Kent. Why the King of France is so suddenly
gone back know you the reason?

Gent. Something he left imperfect in the
state, which since his coming forth is thought
of; which imports to the kingdom so much fear
and danger, that his personal return was most
required and necessary. 7

Kent. Who hath he left behind him general?