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King Lear, IV. vi

Think that the clearest gods, who make them honours 74
Of men's impossibilities, have preserv'd thee.

Glo. I do remember now; henceforth I'll bear
Affliction till it do cry out itself 77
'Enough, enough,' and die. That thing you speak of
I took it for a man; often 'twould say
'The fiend, the fiend:' he led me to that place.

Edg. Bear free and patient thoughts. But who comes here? 81

Enter Lear.

The safer sense will ne'er accommodate
His master thus.

Lear. No, they cannot touch me for coining;
I am the king himself. 85

Edg. O thou side-piercing sight!

Lear. Nature's above art in that respect.
There's your press-money. That fellow handles
his bow like a crow-keeper: draw me a clothier's
yard. Look, look! a mouse. Peace, peace!
this piece of toasted cheese will do 't. There 's
my gauntlet; I'll prove it on a giant. Bring
up the brown bills. O! well flown, bird; i' the
clout, i' the clout: hewgh! Give the word.

Edg. Sweet marjoram.

Lear. Pass. 96

Glo. I know that voice.

Lear. Ha! Goneril, with a white beard!
They flatter'd me like a dog, and told me I had

74 clearest gods; cf. n.
82 safer: saner
accommodate: equip
88 press-money: money given to soldiers when pressed into service
89 crow-keeper: scare-crow (?)
clothier's yard: cloth-yard shaft, used with long bow; cf. n.
93 brown bills: halberds, or, men carrying them
94 clout: bull's-eye, bit of white cloth used for mark in archery