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King Lear, V. iii

But since thy outside looks so fair and war-like,
And that thy tongue some say of breeding breathes, 145
What safe and nicely I might well delay
By rule of knighthood, I disdain and spurn;
Back do I toss these treasons to thy head, 148
With the hell-hated lie o'erwhelm thy heart,
Which, for they yet glance by and scarcely bruise,
This sword of mine shall give them instant way,
Where they shall rest for ever. Trumpets, speak! 152

Alarums. Fights. [Edmund falls.]

Alb. Save him, save him!

Gon. This is practice, Gloucester:
By the law of arms thou wast not bound to answer
An unknown opposite; thou art not vanquish'd,
But cozen'd and beguil'd.

Alb. Shut your mouth, dame, 156
Or with this paper shall I stop it. Hold, sir;
Thou worse than any name, read thine own evil:
No tearing, lady; I perceive you know it.

[Gives the letter to Edmund.]

Gon. Say, if I do, the laws are mine, not thine: 160
Who can arraign me for 't? Exit.

Alb. Most monstrous!
Know'st thou this paper?

Edm. Ask me not what I know.

Alb. Go after her: she's desperate; govern her.

[Exit an Officer.]

Edm. What you have charg'd me with, that have I done, 164
And more, much more; the time will bring it out:
'Tis past, and so am I. But what art thou

145 say: assay
146 safe and nicely: with secure scruple