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King Lear, V. iii

Edg. What kind of help?

Alb. Speak, man. 224

Edg. What means that bloody knife?

Gent. 'Tis hot, it smokes;
It came even from the heart of—O! she's dead.

Alb. Who dead? speak, man.

Gent. Your lady, sir, your lady: and her sister 228
By her is poison'd; she confesses it.

Edm. I was contracted to them both: all three
Now marry in an instant.

Edg. Here comes Kent.

Enter Kent.

Alb. Produce the bodies, be they alive or dead: 232
This judgment of the heavens, that makes us tremble,
Touches us not with pity.
O! is this he?
The time will not allow the compliment
Which very manners urges.

Kent. I am come 236
To bid my king and master aye good-night;
Is he not here?

Alb. Great thing of us forgot!
Speak, Edmund, where's the king? and where's Cordelia?
Seest thou this object, Kent? 240

Goneril and Regan's bodies brought out.

Kent. Alack! why thus?

Edm. Yet Edmund was belov'd:
The one the other poison'd for my sake,
And after slew herself.

Alb. Even so. Cover their faces. 244

Edm. I pant for life: some good I mean to do
Despite of mine own nature. Quickly send,