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King Lear, I. i

To shield thee from diseases of the world;
And, on the sixth, to turn thy hated back
Upon our kingdom: if, on the tenth day following
Thy banish'd trunk be found in our dominions,
The moment is thy death. Away! By Jupiter,
This shall not be revok'd. 182

Kent. Fare thee well, king; sith thus thou wilt appear,
Freedom lives hence, and banishment is here.
[To Cordelia.] The gods to their dear shelter take thee, maid, 185
That justly think'st, and hast most rightly said!
[To Regan and Goneril.] And your large speeches may your deeds approve,
That good effects may spring from words of love. 188
Thus Kent, O princes! bids you all adieu;
He'll shape his old course in a country new. Exit.

Flourish. Enter Gloucester with France, and Burgundy, Attendants.

Glo. Here's France and Burgundy, my noble lord.

Lear. My Lord of Burgundy, 192
We first address toward you, who with this king
Hath rivall'd for our daughter. What, in the least,
Will you require in present dower with her,
Or cease your quest of love?

Bur. Most royal majesty, 196
I crave no more than hath your highness offer'd,
Nor will you tender less.

Lear. Right noble Burgundy,
When she was dear to us we did hold her so,
But now her price is fall'n. Sir, there she stands: 200

177 diseases: slight vexations, dis-eases
183 sith: since
187 approve: make good
190 course; cf. n.
S. d. Flourish: music of horns
194 in the least: at least
198 tender: offer