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King Lear, I. ii

Edg. The night gone by.

Edm. Spake you with him?

Edg. Ay, two hours together.

Edm. Parted you in good terms? Found
you no displeasure in him by word or counte-

Edg. None at all. 179

Edm. Bethink yourself wherein you may
have offended him; and at my entreaty forbear
his presence till some little time hath qualified
the heat of his displeasure, which at this instant
so rageth in him that with the mischief of your
person it would scarcely allay. 185

Edg. Some villain hath done me wrong.

Edm. That's my fear. I pray you have a
continent forbearance till the speed of his rage
goes slower, and, as I say, retire with me to my
lodging, from whence I will fitly bring you to
hear my lord speak. Pray you, go; there's my
key. If you do stir abroad, go armed. 192

Edg. Armed, brother!

Edm. Brother, I advise you to the best; go
armed; I am no honest man if there be any good
meaning toward you; I have told you what I
have seen and heard; but faintly, nothing like
the image and horror of it; pray you, away.

Edg. Shall I hear from you anon?

Edm. I do serve you in this business.200

Exit [Edgar.]

A credulous father, and a brother noble,
Whose nature is so far from doing harms
That he suspects none; on whose foolish honesty

184 mischief: harm
188 continent: temperate
198 image and horror: horrible image