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King Lear, I. iv

Gon. And let his knights have colder looks among you;
What grows of it, no matter; advise your fellows so: 24
I would breed from hence occasions, and I shall,
That I may speak: I'll write straight to my sister
To hold my very course. Prepare for dinner.


Scene Four

[The same]

Enter Kent [disguised.]

Kent. If but as well I other accents borrow,
That can my speech diffuse, my good intent
May carry through itself to that full issue
For which I raz'd my likeness. Now, banish'd Kent, 4
If thou canst serve where thou dost stand condemn'd,
So may it come, thy master, whom thou lov'st,
Shall find thee full of labours.

Horns within. Enter Lear, [Knights,] and Attendants.

Lear. Let me not stay a jot for dinner: go,
get it ready. [Exit an Attendant.] How now!
what art thou? 10

Kent. A man, sir.

Lear. What dost thou profess? What wouldst
thou with us?

Kent. I do profess to be no less than I seem;
to serve him truly that will put me in trust; to

2 diffuse: disguise
3 carry through: accomplish
issue: conclusion
4 raz'd: erased
12 dost . . . profess: is thy profession