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King Lear, I. v

Though I condemn not, yet, under pardon,
You are much more attask'd for want of wisdom 368
Than prais'd for harmful mildness.

Alb. How far your eyes may pierce I cannot tell:
Striving to better, oft we mar what's well.

Gon. Nay, then— 372

Alb. Well, well; the event. Exeunt.

Scene Five

[Near Albany's Palace]

Enter Lear, Kent, and Fool.

Lear. Go you before to Gloucester with these
letters. Acquaint my daughter no further with
any thing you know than comes from her
demand out of the letter. If your diligence be
not speedy I shall be there before you. 5

Kent. I will not sleep, my lord, till I have
delivered your letter. Exit.

Fool. If a man's brains were in 's heels, were 't
not in danger of kibes? 9

Lear. Ay, boy.

Fool. Then, I prithee, be merry; thy wit shall
not go slip-shod. 12

Lear. Ha, ha, ha!

Fool. Shalt see thy other daughter will use
thee kindly; for though she's as like this as a
crab is like an apple, yet I can tell what I can
tell. 17

Lear. What canst tell, boy?

368 attask'd: blamed
373 the event: the outcome (will show)

9 kibes: chilblains
15 kindly: pun, with double meaning of 'gently' and 'naturally'
16 crab: crabapple