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King Lear, III. vii

Thou must not stay behind.

Glo.] Come, come, away.

Exeunt [all but Edgar.]

[Edg. When we our betters see bearing our woes,
We scarcely think our miseries our foes. 112
Who alone suffers suffers most i' the mind,
Leaving free things and happy shows behind;
But then the mind much sufferance doth o'erskip,
When grief hath mates, and bearing fellowship. 116
How light and portable my pain seems now,
When that which makes me bend makes the king bow;
He childed as I father'd! Tom, away!
Mark the high noises, and thyself bewray 120
When false opinion, whose wrong thought defiles thee,
In thy just proof repeals and reconciles thee.
What will hap more to-night, safe 'scape the king!
Lurk, lurk.] [Exit.]

Scene Seven

[Gloucester's Castle]

Enter Cornwall, Regan, Goneril, Bastard [Edmund] and Servants.

Corn. Post speedily to my lord your husband;
show him this letter: the army of France is
landed. Seek out the traitor Gloucester.

[Exeunt some of the Servants.]

Reg. Hang him instantly. 4

Gon. Pluck out his eyes.

Corn. Leave him to my displeasure. Edmund,
keep you our sister company: the revenges we
are bound to take upon your traitorous father

116 bearing: suffering
117 portable: endurable
120 high noises: great tumults
122 repeals: recalls
123 What . . . more: whatever else