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King Lear, III. vii

Corn. Bind him, I say. [Servants bind him.]

Reg. Hard, hard. O filthy traitor!

Glo. Unmerciful lady as you are, I'm none. 33

Corn. To this chair bind him. Villain, thou shalt find—

[Regan plucks his beard.]

Glo. By the kind gods, 'tis most ignobly done
To pluck me by the beard. 36

Reg. So white, and such a traitor!

Glo. Naughty lady,
These hairs, which thou dost ravish from my chin,
Will quicken, and accuse thee: I am your host:
With robbers' hands my hospitable favours 40
You should not ruffle thus. What will you do?

Corn. Come, sir, what letters had you late from France?

Reg. Be simple-answer'd, for we know the truth.

Corn. And what confederacy have you with the traitors 44
Late footed in the kingdom?

Reg. To whose hands have you sent the lunatic king?

Glo. I have a letter guessingly set down, 48
Which came from one that's of a neutral heart,
And not from one oppos'd.

Corn. Cunning.

Reg. And false.

Corn. Where hast thou sent the king?

Glo. To Dover.

Reg. Wherefore to Dover? Wast thou not charg'd at peril— 52

Corn. Wherefore to Dover? Let him answer that.

37 Naughty: wicked
40 hospitable favours: features of the host
48 guessingly: expressed in conjectural language