Page:Kitecraft and kite tournaments (1914).djvu/110

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kitecraft and kite tournaments

are used, geared reels are practical. Fig. 206 shows a picture of a boy and his reel rigged up with a chain drive, utilizing parts of a bicycle. This was devised for speed, but it needs flanges at the ends of the drum. If one wished to put time enough on a reel, he could rig one up out of parts of a bicycle that could be manipulated by the feet. A coaster brake would let out the string and the winding in could be made as swift as any kite would stand. The wheel used for the drum portion would need quite a little modification to prevent the string from jumping off. As the usual frame would not admit of any widening, some additional framework would also be necessary to make it stable enough. If one is going to do much kite flying, it pays to take time to make a good reel, not the last one described necessarily, as that is more for speed, and is not as convenient as a number of others, but a good simple reel is a great satisfaction.

Fig. 206.