Page:Kitecraft and kite tournaments (1914).djvu/80

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kitecraft and kite tournaments

out the grooves of the wheels, so small screw-eyes placed in the beam just in front and behind each wheel will keep the kite line in place. It may be an advantage to press the eye together some so as to make an elongated hole, Fig. 142. Some care will be necessary to see that the screw-eyes are screwed in just the right distance so as to prevent the string from resting on the screweyes instead of the grooved wheels.

Fig. 146.Fig. 147.

The Release. The sail is tripped by the stick, e, being pushed against an obstruction of cardboard fastened perhaps three hundred feet from the kite, see Fig. 143. The reason for placing it away from the kite is that when the weight comes on the kite line, the last part of the trip is very steep; by placing the obstruction some distance from the kite this difficulty is largely overcome.

As a final warning, the sail line should just be tight enough to hold the sail in place while going up and not tight enough to prevent easy tripping when e touches the obstruction disk. Some put on elastic