Page:Kitecraft and kite tournaments (1914).djvu/99

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suspended figures and appliances

work and beads should be placed between sections, and to the outside at the top and bottom. The colors of a are red, yellow, and blue, but white could take the place of some color, and black of another section. As the sections are not likely to turn with the same rapidity, there should be a constant change of combination of colors.

Light forms that fill out with the breeze can be made of tissue paper and attached to the kite line. Ugly monsters with large mouths and highly colored bodies with heavy lines on them to outline scales are very striking. It is necessary to have these open at both ends or they will be torn open, also it is best to have a light framework about the head to keep that in shape; the rest of the body will usually be taken care of. Long serpents and fish are good for the purpose. If the grotesque does not appeal to one, long and short streamers can be used in abundance. A kite line decorated with pointed streamers of various colors would be very beautiful. Japanese lanterns might be festooned along the line, and to reduce the weight, the bottom could be removed. If kite flying is indulged in at night, fewer lanterns can be used, and these lighted.