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Knight of Elle.

On yonder hill a Castle stands,
With walls and towers bedight.
And yonder lives the Child of Elle,
A young and comely Knight.

The Child of Elle to his garden went,
And stood at his garden Pale,
When, lo ——— he saw fair Emmeline,s page
Come tripping down the dale,

The Child of Elle he hy,d him thence
I wat he stood na still
And soon he met fair Emmeline's page
Come climbing up the hill

Now save thee save, thou little foot Page
Now come the saife and free
Oh tell me how does thy lady gay
And what may thy tydings be

My lady she is woe-begone
The tears they fa frae her eyne;
And aye' she laments the deadly feud
Between her house and thine.

And here she sends thee a silken scarf,
Bedew’d wi mony s tear