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“Ko-ji-ki,” or Records of Ancient Matters.
[Vol. XXVI.

The next, King Kushi-tsunu-wake (was the ancestor of the chiefs of Mamuta).[1] The next, His Augustness Oho-Usu, (was the ancestor of the Dukes of Mori,[2] of the Dukes of Ohota[3] and of the Dukes of Shimada.)[4] The next, King Kamu-kushi, (was the ancestor of the Sakabe Abiko in the Land of Ki,[5] and of the Sakabe of Uda).[6] The next, King Toyo-kuni-wake (was the ancestor of the Rulers of the Land of Himuka).[7]

[Sect. LXXVII.—Emperor Kei-kō (Part II.—The Maidens Ye-hime and Oto-hime).]

Hereupon the Heavenly Sovereign, to assure himself of what he had heard of the beauty of the two maidens Ye-hime and Oto-hime,[8] daughters of King Kamu-oho-ne,[9] ancestor of the Rulers of the Land of Minu,[10] sent his august child, His Augustness Oho-usu, to summon them up [to the Capital]. So His Augustness Oho-usu who had been sent, instead of summoning them up, forthwith wedded both the maidens himself, and then sought other women, to whom he falsely gave the maidens’ names, and sent them up [to his father]. Hereupon the Heavenly Sovereign, knowing them to be other women, frequently subjected them to his long glances;[11] but, never wedding them, caused them to sorrow. So the child that His Augustness Oho-usu begot on

  1. Mamuta no murazhi. (See Sect. LIII, Note 1.)
  2. Mori no kimi. Mori seems to be the name of a place (perhaps in Mino); but nothing is known of this family.
  3. Ohota no kimi. Ohota is the name of a place in Mino, and signifies “great rice-fields.”
  4. Shimada no kimi. Shimada is perhaps the name of a place in Wohari. It signifies “island rice-field.”
  5. Ki no kuni no sakabe no abiko. For abiko see Sect LXXII, Note 85. Sakabe seems to signify “liquor tribe,” this family and the next having been entrusted with the management of the Imperial feasts.
  6. Uda no sakabe, i.e., the “Liquor Tribe of Uda” (in Yamato).
  7. Himuka no kuni no miyatsuko.
  8. I.e., the elder princess and the younger princess.
  9. See Sect. LXII, Note 36.
  10. Minu no kuni no miyatsuko.
  11. I.e., “gazed at them intently.” The Classical word nagamuru, “to gaze,” is properly a compound of naga, “long,” and miru, “to see.”