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When plunder and provisions were consumed,
When hunger came upon the German camp,
And scattered all around, the enemy
Destroyed the auxiliars, cut off all supplies,
Each day a myriad Germans died from need.
Now time approached to end by storm the war.
Or else bethink them of a swift return.
Then Wallenrod, in peace and confidence,
Rode to the chase, or, closed within his tent,
Forged secret treaties, and denied his captains
Admission to the councils of the war.

And thus in warlike fervour grew he cold.
That by his people's tears untouched, unmoved.
He deigned not raise the sword in their defence;
All day with folded arms upon his breast.
In thought remaining, or discourse with Halban.
Meanwhile the winter piled its heaps of snow.
And Witold, with his fresh recruited bands,
Besieged the army, fell upon the camp.
Oh! shame in annals of the valiant Order!
The Master first did fly the battle-field!
In place of laurels, and abundant spoil.
He brought the news of Litwa's victories!