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Shamasoondri put her face in her cloth, and said, laughing, "Certainly, Mr. Bhuttacharjya,[1] what is all that?"

Mrinomoi heaved a sigh and said, "I will do whatever the Creator causes me to do; whatever is in my fate must come to pass."

Sha. Why, whatever is in your fate? There is happiness in your fate. Why do you sigh so deeply?

Mrinomoi said, "Listen. On the day I set out with my husband, just before starting I went to place three leaves at Bhobani's feet. I never used to do anything without placing three leaves at the mother's lotus feet. If the undertaking was to be successful, the mother used to accept the three leaves; if there was likely to be any disaster, the leaves used to fall. I felt some hesitation in coming with an unknown man to an unknown country; I went to the mother to know what was

  1. Mrinomoi had spoken in Sanskrit, so Shamasoondri jokingly calls her Bhuttacharjya, that is, a Brahman who teaches Sanskrit in a small tole or school.