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letter in her hand, and said, "I was taking the letter to Orissa; it is of the utmost importance." On reading the letter, all Moti Bibi's hopes and aspirations disappeared. The purport of the letter was as follows:—

"Our efforts have been unsuccessful. Even on his death-bed Akber Shah has defeated us by the strength of his intellect. His death has taken place, and by his orders, the Prince Selim has now become Jahangir Shah. Do not be anxious on Khasru's account. Quickly return to Agra to guard against any one doing you an injury."

How Akber Shah defeated this conspiracy is written in history; it is not necessary to relate it in this place.

Moti dismissed the messenger with a present, and read the letter to Pesmon. Pesmon said, "What are you going to do now?"

Moti. There is nothing to be done now.

Pes. (thinking for a moment). What does it matter? You will be in exactly the same position as you were before. Every lady in