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Verily, of the faithful hath God bought their persons and their substance, on condition of Paradise for them in return : on the path of God shall they fight, and slay, and be slain: a promise for this is pledged in the Law, and in the Evangel, and in the Koran—and who more faithful to his engagement than God? Rejoice, therefore, in the contract that ye have contracted : for this shall be the great bliss.

Those who turn to God, and those who serve, who praise, who fast, who bow down, who prostrate themselves, who enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil, and keep to the bounds[1] of God…[2] Wherefore bear these good tidings to the faithful.

It is not for the prophet or the faithful to pray for the forgiveness of those, even though they be of kin, who associate other beings with God, after it hath been made clear to them that they are to be the inmates of Hell.

For neither did Abraham ask forgiveness for his father, but in pursuance of a promise which he had promised to him : but when it was shewn him that he was an enemy to God, he declared himself clear of him. Yet Abraham was pitiful, kind.

Nor is it for God to lead a people into error, after he hath guided them aright, until that which they ought to dread hath been clearly shewn them. Verily, God knoweth all things.

God! His the kingdom of the Heavens and of the Earth! He maketh alive and killeth! Ye have no patron or helper save God.

Now hath God turned Him unto the Prophet and unto the refugees (Mohadjers), and unto the helpers (Ansars),[3] who followed him in the hour of distress, after that the hearts of a part of them had well nigh failed them.[4] Then turned He unto them, for He was Kind to them. Merciful.

He hath also turned Him unto the three[5] who were left behind, so that the earth, spacious as it is, became too strait for them; and their souls became so straitened within them, that they bethought them that there was no refuge from God but unto Himself. Then was He turned to them, that they

    they have done without bitter pangs of conscience. See Weil's M. der Prophet, pp. 268, 269, and note.

  1. Lit. limits, i.e. laws.
  2. Shall have their recompense.
  3. See verse 101.
  4. Lit. turned aside, swerved.
  5. Three Ansars who did not accompany Muhammad to Tabouk, and who on his return were put under interdict, and not released from it till after fifty days of penance.
