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라면 ramyŏn
漢字 Hancha
令狀 yŏngchang
서울대 Sŏuldae
월드컵 Wǒldŭk’ŏp
길잡이 kiljabi
말갈족 Malgaljok
값어치 kabŏch’i
싫증 silchŭng

Note: Some dictionaries represent a reinforced medial consonant with a double consonant: 의과 [_꽈], 실시 [_씨]. However, the romanization would not necessarily show a double consonant: ǔikwa, silsi.

평가 p’yŏngka
문법 munpŏp

4. Hyphens
(a) When sounds would normally change, according to McCune-Reischauer rules, sound change is indicated preceding or following a hyphen in forenames or pseudonyms that are preceded by family names, and in generic terms used as jurisdictions.
1) For personal names with family name:

安 應烈 An Ŭng-nyŏl
박 목월 Pak Mog-wŏl
이 퇴계 Yi T’oe-gye

2) For generic terms for jurisdictions:

강원도 Kangwŏn-do