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start afresh the same old story of Rohini's unhappiness? In the secret depths of her heart Rohini soon developed a strong passion for Gobind Lâl. Kumati was again victorious.

Why, after so long a period, this calamity should have come about I can neither understand nor explain. Rohini had seen Gobind Lâl from her infancy, yet her heart had never been drawn towards him. Then why now—so suddenly? I know not, but simply state things as they happened—that wicked cuckoo's calling, that weeping by the tank, the time, the place, the thoughts, and then Gobind Lâl's compassion at that particular time. Again Rohini's conduct to Gobind Lâl, who had never wronged her. By a combination of all these causes, extending over some little time, it came to pass that Gobind Lâl found a place in Rohini's mind. I know not what is to come of it, but relate facts just as they occurred.

Rohini was very intelligent. She at once perceived the matter might be one of life or death to her. If Gobind Lâl should have the slightst suspicion of her feeling, never