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no great punishment, they are easily washed off. But this hair" (which was to be shaven off), and Rohini looked at her wealth of black wavy hair—"this hair—yet, at your bidding, I would bring a pair of scissors and cut it all off myself to make a rope to bind your lady wife's hair."

Gobind Lâl was distressed. With a deep sigh he said, "I understand, Rohini; you feel the stain to be your punishment. If you cannot be saved from that you care not what other punishment attends it."

Then Rohini wept. In her heart she uttered a thousand blessings upon Gobind Lâl for his comprehension of her real feeling. Aloud she said, "Since you comprehend me, then I ask you, can you possibly save me from this disgrace?"

After some thought Gobind Lâl replied, "I cannot say. If I hear the real truth, I may be able to say whether I can or not."

Rohini.   "Ask me what you wish to know."

Gobind.   "What was that you burned?"

Rohini.   "A false will."

Gobind.   "Where did you get it?"

Rohini.   "In the Kartâ's drawer."