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Kutenai Tales

little, it stuck out a sq!ma·‵witslιq!a·′ʼntse· (see -qlma-)

a little while wo'qfvTnaane'k/tjne' (see -qlma-) locust aakuk.laho^wum lodge, tent, house -{c)

old lodge Oakalat.Wtna'm C lonesome huh .luhpa{me'lc) (see -huk.luk-) long, to be -wu(qa)- long ago p/klaks (long objects) -ma- long-haired one (Chinaman) knu^qllam* (see -nuq!-) Longwater Bay yajcwu^la'k look, to -kat{e')j -wdshk-

to look for or at something -cUkcl-

how do I look? koa'^qaka^te' (see -^at[«*])

to look secretly, -hak.latsulwdskd-

to look terrible -c8e'{ka^te')

it looks terrible ri'cse'kate^irie' (see -kat[e·])

he looked around tse'kaliUHirie' (see 'litU-)

he looked up wa'wetsh^k^ne' (see t«;a'- pr.)

he looks back lamanwetskik/lne' (see man-)

it looks nice ts£nla(kate^{ne')

it looks yellowish namakftsa^Jcat.le'titine'^ne' (see -iai[«*]) loon nuqlu^kJue'n (see -nuqlum-) lose, to -eskaxafneie- lump aaqlanlwpxaina^ko' (see aa'qfa^nlup)

there is a lump, excrescence, on surface -qianlupxamako- (see -qfan-) lungs aa'kmulu^pu'q lynx /:/i^^5^7ie' (= short face) magpie a^n^an

a small magpie (?) e*go*i5 make, to -^^

I shall make a bridge hutsdkokopkt^n'e' (see aa'ko'^ko' C)

to make a fire -^^Z:o-

he made a fire qfoukoxa^me'k

to make a house, tent (see -r<-)

he made a tent for himself ri'dd.Wa^'k (see

to make a law -dnumo't8{te)'

to make with hand -dhn- (see -^^)

he made a bow for himself nWwukVmyieiJc (see -wo')

he made a hole n^dk!ame e* (see -ifc/a[mc*])

just there he made it qooxaVdke^n'C (see qao-)

he made a mark in the center qayaaqawaaq!anq!l/lne' (see -qlan-)

he made it nothing lu^'nte' (see lu-) male qa^sklo

mallard duck kanqlusqwe^ikak man t/tqa't! manitou nupc^kla

to send a boy to get manitou power 'kiyukpuktse(t€') many, to be -yuna(qa)-

there are many yunaqa^grie' (see -qa-) mark -qllefl

he made a mark in the center qayoaqawaaqfanqll/lne' (see -qfan-) marrow aakcnu^lma'k, -nulmak

marry, to -halitd-^ -salitd-

85543°—Bull. 59—18——24