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Kutenai Tales

the chief might be angry; the chief wants to drink." Then they broke camp. They went to the chief. The chief was told: "Lame Knee is holding your wife." The chief said: "Go to him. Tell him to let her go because I am thirsty." They went to him. He was told: "The chief says he wants you to let her go because he wants to drink." Lame Knee said: "Go to the chief; tell him that I shall not let her go." They went to the chief. He was told: "Lame Knee says that he will not let her go." The chief said, being now angry: "Ha, ha, hoya!"—"Tell him I shall not let the chief's wife go." (The chief) took a knife. He went there. He arrived at the place where his wife was. Lame Knee was holding the wife of the chief. (The chief) said to him: "Let go of her." Lame Knee said: "I shall not let go of her." The chief went there. He cut off his head. He threw it away. The head turned over; it smiled while it was rolling

łsan·ι′łwey (may be angry) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n. (the chief.) ma kts!e′ᵢko·ł (He wants to drink) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n. (the chief.") ta′x̣as (Then) nʼumιtsk.łuna′mne·. (they broke camp.) qaox̣ax̣amι′sᵢne· (They went to) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n. (the chief.) qakiłι′łne· (He was told) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n (the chief:) sa·wιtskι′n·e· ("He holds her) q!o·małq!a′n·k!o (Lame Knee) tιłnamunι′sʼmeᵢł. (your wife.") qake′ᵢne· (He said) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n (the chief:) qo·namι′łkeᵢł ("Go to him) qakι′łkeᵢł (tell him) kιłpι′skeᵢn (he shall let her go) ma () kohokᵘnuq!łuma′meᵢł. (I am thirsty.") qo·nax̣amι′sᵢne·. (They went to him.) qakiłι′łne· (He was told:) qake′ᵢne· ("He says) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n (the chief) kιnłpιskι′nmeᵢł (you shall let her go) ma () kts!e′ᵢko·ł. (he wants to drink.") qake′ᵢne· (He said) q!o·małq!a′n·k!o (Lame Knee:) qo·namι′łakeᵢł ("Go to) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n. (the chief.) kιnłqakι′łkeᵢł (Tell him) ku‵sł·aqa‵pιskι′nmeᵢł. (I shall not let her go.") qo·nax̣amι′sᵢne· (They went to) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n. (the chief.) qakiłι′łne· (He was told:) qake′ᵢne· ("He said) q!o·małq!a′n·k!o (Lame Knee) ksιł·aqapι′skιn. (he will not let her go.") qake′ᵢne· (He said) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n (the chief) ta′x̣as (now) ksa·nι′łwey (being angry:) ha·ha·ho·ya. ("hā hā hōya.") () kιnłqakι′łkeᵢł ("Tell him) ku‵sł·aqa‵pιskι′nmeᵢł (I shall not let go) tιłnamu′ʼe·s (the wife of) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n. (the chief.") tsukᵘa′te· (He took) aₐʽktsa′ma·łs. (a knife.) qaox̣a′x̣e·. (He went there.) łax̣a′x̣e· (He arrived) sa·wιsqa′pse· (where was) tιłnamu′ʼe·s. (his wife.) q!o·małq!a′n·k!o (Lame Knee) sa·wιtskι′n·e· (held) tιłnamuι′se·s (the wife of) naso′ᵤkᵘe·ns. (the chief.) qak.ła′pse· (He said to him:) pιskι′ne·nʼ. ("Let go of her.") qake′ᵢne· (He said) q!o·małq!a′n·k!o (Lame Knee:) hutsła‵qapιskι′n·e·. ("I shall not let go of her.") qaox̣a′x̣e· (He went there) naso′ᵤkᵘe·n. (the chief.) łułama′ₐne·. (He cut off his head.) ιłqanmι′te·. (He threw it away.) łuqa‵q′makιk.ła′ʼmne· (The head turned over;) qoᵤs (there to) ya‵qa·ox̣aqa‵ye·x̣ome′ᵢke· (the place where it rolled) ła·tuwitsłiłnu‵kᵘena′n·e·. (he was smiling.)