Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1918 Vol. 11 nr. 4.pdf/6

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On a little visit to Kristiansand, I twice had the opportunity to tell from Armenia, and the Lord in His grace blessed us abundantly and gave more than we prayed for or can understand. Efes. 3, 20 –21. After the last meeting, there were in the small assembly gathered approx. 56 kr. Next afternoon at our prayer meeting I was sent kr. 350 from one unnamed and another gave me kr. 100 to remedy the need in Armenia. Two K. M. A. sisters were willing to support ½ child and several others gave, so that a total of kr. 601.75. were collected.

No, the Lord has not forgotten his unhappy, persecuted people down there, but vividly reminds his children to help. How wonderful it was to feel the warm hearts of friends of the work and for all those in need and suffering down in Armenia. Yes, it was indeed a great gift, that surely will be richly blessed; because God loves a cheerful giver. It was so wonderful for me to again experience the love these people have here at home.

Praised be his name!

Bodil Bjørn.