Page:Kybalion - a study of the hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece (1908).djvu/190

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The Kybalion

"Negative" Poles of Electricity (so-called).

Now a word at this point regarding this identification. The public mind has formed an entirely erroneous impression regarding the qualities of the so-called "Negative" pole of electrified or magnetized Matter. The terms Positive and Negative are very wrongly applied to this phenomennon by science. The word Positive means something real and strong, as compared with a Negative unreality or weakness. Nothing is further from the real facts of electrical phenomena. The so-called Negative pole of the battery is really the pole in and by which the generation or production of new forms and energies is manifested. There is nothing "negative" about it. The best scientific authorities now use the word "Cathode" in place of "Negative," the word Cathode coming from the Greek root meaning "descent; the path of generation, etc." From the Cathode pole emerge the swarm of electrons or corpuscles; from the same pole emerge those wonderful "rays"