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Bees, wasps, butterflies, beetles and flies—over a hundred insects—visit it for nectar and pollen. The seeming blossom of seed-time, the white, fluffy head, has given the plant the name of Blowball; and it is also called Peasant's Clock.

Dandolo (dan′dōlō) a famous Venetian family, which gave four doges to the republic. The most illustrious of its members was Enrico, born about 1110. Eminent in learning, eloquence and knowledge of affairs, he ascended from one step to another until he was elected doge in 1192. As doge, Dandolo extended the bounds of the republic, fought and won many battles, marched at the head of the crusaders and subdued Constantinople. When the Emperor Alexius was murdered, Dandolo laid siege to Constantinople and took it by storm. He established there the empire of the Latins. He died at Constantinople in 1205. A later doge of Venice, Andrea Dandolo (1310-54), also achieved eminence.

Dane, Nathan, an American jurist, was born at Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 27, 1752, and died Feb. 15, 1835. A lawyer of high repute, he held many important public positions. But he is chiefly known through the Ordinance of 1787, which he drafted while a member of the Continental Congress. Dane also founded the Dane professorship of law in Harvard Law-School.

Dan′iel (a Hebrew word meaning God is judge) was a Hebrew prophet. According to the book which bears his name, he was descended from one of the highest families in Judah. As a youth he was carried captive to Babylon with three other Hebrew youths of rank. He and his companions were chosen for instruction in the language and literature of the Chaldeans, and the names of all four were changed—Daniel being called Belteshazzar; that is, prince of Bel. Not long after, he interpreted a dream for Nebuchadrezzar, and in consequence rose into high favor and was made governor of the province of Babylon and head-inspector of the priestly caste. This high position he kept under Darius and Cyrus, in spite of the intrigues of hostile courtiers. At one time, because he refused to give up the worship of God, he was cast into a den of lions, but was preserved and reached still higher rank. He assisted his people in their return to their native land. The book of Daniel was written partly in Hebrew and partly in Aramaic, and is now divided into 12 chapters, the first half consisting of narratives and the second half of predictions. The predictions are in the form of visions, which tell the story of four successive empires, perhaps the Chaldean, Median, Persian and Macedonian, culminating in the eternal kingdom of Christ.

Daniell, John Frederic, a noted English scientist, was born at London, March 12, 1790, and died March 13, 1845. He devoted himself to chemistry and meteorology, and wrote a number of essays, besides an Introduction to Chemical Philosophy. He was professor of chemistry in King's College, London, and received many medals and honors for his valuable scientific labors. He invented the hygrometer, a new pyrometer and the voltaic battery known by his name.

Dante (dăn'tē̇), Alighieri, the great poet of Italy, was born in 1265, in a house in the Place of St. Martin at Florence, which is still pointed out. As with many other great men, a halo of legend surrounds his early life; but he himself, in his New Life, tells the earliest known facts. When only nine years old, he met the Beatrice of his later poems and formed a passion for her from which he never swerved. It, indeed, influenced the whole course of his life. Dante took part in the military and political affairs of his time, when the fierce conflicts of the Guelphs and Ghibellines were tearing Florence to pieces. He rose to high office and was sent on an embassy to the pope at Rome in 1301, when the victory of the more extreme party at home resulted in the banishment of the leaders of the opposite party, Dante included; and later they were condemned to be buried alive, if caught. The remainder of the poet's life was spent in exile. He traveled about a good deal, living in Verona, Tuscany, Romagna and, finally, Ravenna, where he died on September 14, 1321, and was buried. The great work of Dante is the Divine Comedy, made up of three parts, giving a vision of Hell, of Purgatory and of Heaven. In it Dante gives a complete view of the highest culture and knowledge of the age on philosophy, history, classical literature, physical science, morals and religion; all this is expressed in the noblest and most exquisite poetry. This work really made the Italian language, which before was rude and unformed. No work in the world probably, except the Bible, has given rise to so much literature. It was copied in 600 different manuscripts, and about 300 printed editions have been issued; it has been more than 300 times translated into foreign languages; and unnumbered introductions, essays and commentaries have been written on or about it. Dante had not been in his grave 20 years before Italy instinctively recognized that this was her great man. About 50 years after Dante's death a public lectureship on the Divine Comedy was established at Florence, to which Boccaccio was first appointed. Another of Dante's works is the Banquet. Dante, as Boccaccio relates, was of moderate stature, stooping when he walked, slow and dignified both in gait and speech, reserved and silent in habit; but, when he