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Page 2035 : WALES — WALLACE

later to Harold. William the Conqueror subdued it, and the English kings have ever since claimed possession of the country. In 1267 Llewellyn ap Gryffith was acknowledged prince of Wales by Henry III, but, refusing to obey the call of Edward I to Parliament, was attacked and defeated. In 1282 he rebelled again, was slain in battle, his brother David, who succeeded him, was executed as a traitor, and Wales was united to England. The title Prince of Wales has been given ever since to the oldest son of the English sovereign. Under Owen Glendower the Welsh made a final effort for freedom, the struggle lasting 15 years from 1400 till his death in 1415. Population 2,037,610.

Wales, Prince of (born 1865), heir-apparent to the British throne, also known as Duke of Cornwall and York. His parents are Edward VII, reigning king of the British Empire, and Queen Alexandra, oldest daughter of King Christian IX of Denmark. In 1893 he married Victoria Mary, daughter of the Duke of Teck, by whom he has six children, five sons and one daughter. See York, Duke of.

Wal'fish or Walvisch Bay, though a part of Cape Colony, is situated near the center of German Southwest Africa's coast. It has an area of 430 square miles, with a population of 997, of whom 144 are white. It has an excellent harbor frequented by whale-fishers, and was made a British possession in 1884.

Walhalla (văl-hăl'lȧ) or Valhalla (the hall of the slain), in Scandinavian mythology the hall where were gathered the dead who had fallen in battle. The hall, according to the legend, was in Gladsheim (the house of joy), with a grove of golden-leaved trees around it. It was ornamented with shields and spears, and had 540 doors so wide that 800 people could walk abreast through them. Every morning the inmates marched out at the crowing of the cock, and fought furiously until noon, when all wounds were healed, and they sat down to a banquet with Odin, where they were waited on by the Walkyries or battle-maidens. See Valkyries.

Walker (wä'kẽr), Amasa, an American political economist, was born at Woodstock, Conn., May 4, 1799, and died at Brookfield, Mass., Oct. 29, 1875. His early career was spent chiefly in commercial pursuits, but for six years (1842-8) he lectured on political economy at Oberlin College and subsequently (1859-69) at Amherst. In 1848 he was a member of the Massachusetts assembly, and in the following year member of the state senate. In 1862-3 he sat in Congress as member (Republican) for Massachusetts. He was a zealous advocate of temperance, was active in the antislavery movement, and was one of the founders of Free Soil party. He was an authority in finance, and wrote a series of articles on political economy. In 1857 he published a work on the Nature and Uses of Money, and in 1866 issued The Science of Wealth.

Walker, Francis Amasa, American statistician and political economist, was born at Boston, Mass., July 2, 1840, and died there Jan. 5, 1879. Graduating from Amherst in 1860, he took part in the Civil War and in 1865 rose to the brevet-rank of brigadier-general of volunteers. He was wounded at Chancellorsville, and for a time was an inmate of Libby Prison. In 1871-2 he was United States Indian commissioner; he was also chief of the bureau of statistics at Washington and superintendent of the 9th and 10th United States censuses. From 1873 to 1881 he was professor of political economy in the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale, and in 1881 became president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston. In 1898 he acted as United States commissioner to the international monetary conference at Paris, and in the same year was elected to the National Academy of Sciences and made an honorary fellow of the Royal Statistical Society of London. His published writings include The Indian Question; The Wage-Question; Money; Money, Trade and Industry; Land and Its Rent; Political Economy; Bimetalism; and a History of the Second Army-Corps.

Walker, Robert James, American statesman and financier, was born at Northumberland, Pa., July 19, 1801, and died at Washington, D. C., Nov. 11, 1869. Graduating at the University of Pennsylvania in 1819, he studied law and practiced first at Pittsburg, Pa., and then at Natchez, Miss. Here he came into notice as an opponent of nullification, and from 1836 to 1845 was United States senator from Mississippi. In 1845 he was secretary of the treasury in Polk's cabinet, and prepared and carried what was then known as the Walker tariff (q. v.). In 1857 he became governor of Kansas, and in 1863-4 was financial agent of the United States in Europe. Throughout the Civil War he remained loyal to the Union and advocated vigorous measures for the suppression of the rebellion. In later years he practiced law at the capital.

Wallace (wŏl'lā́ ce), Alfred Russel, a distinguished English traveler and naturalist, was born at Usk, Monmouthshire, Jan. 8, 1823, and received his education at the grammar-school at Hertford. From an early age he manifested a great love of nature, with marked scientific tastes. This bent was greatly developed in a voyage he made, in company with W. H. W. Bates, a naturalist, to South America, an account of which he has given us in his Travels on the Amazon and the Rio Negro, with a fund of material on the physical aspects of these great water-