Page:Laboratory Manual of the Anatomy of the Rat (Hunt 1924).djvu/114

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duodenum, to which it sends branches. The right gastro-epiploic and superior pancreatico-duodenal arteries may arise from the hepatic artery by a short gastro-duodenal artery. Still another branch supplies the pancreas. After giving off the above vessels, the hepatic artery passes anteriorly and breaks up into several branches which enter the liver. The left gastric artery runs to the lesser curvature of the stomach. A large terminal branch supplies the dorsal surface of the stomach, another goes to the ventral surface of this organ. Small vessels are given off to the esophagus. A small branch traverses, to the right, the lesser curvature of the stomach, and anastomoses with the right gastric artery, as previously mentioned. Determine the variability of the branches of the coeliac.

The superior mesenteric artery leaves the dorsal aorta a short distance posterior to the coeliac in the region of the renal arteries. It sends numerous branches through the mesenteries to all the divisions of the small intestine, to the caecum, and the colon. The branch to the colon joins the inferior mesenteric artery.

The two large renal arteries carry blood from the dorsal aorta to the kidneys. The right renal supplies the right kidney, the left renal the left kidney. Each renal artery gives off anteriorly a suprarenal artery to the suprarenal gland on the same side.

The two spermatic arteries of the male rat leave the dorsal aorta a short distance caudad to the renals and course posteriorly along the dorsal surface of the abdominal cavity. The right spermatic finally enters the right testis, the left spermatic artery the left testis. Expose each artery throughout its length. The two ovarian arteries of the female similarly supply the ovaries. They correspond in position to the spermatic arteries of the male. Each ovarian artery anastomoses with the uterine artery, which runs