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of the parents with whom henceforward they will work in the interests of the children.

"Parents who, however, do not wish that their children should be examined by school doctors have a right to exempt them, as the new provisions do not refer to educational matters that are in any way compulsory. Such parents however must furnish the necessary information from their own doctor."

They would be strange parents who would "take offence" on receiving such a letter as this. With this letter there is enclosed another, which requests, in case the examination is agreed to, the presence of the father, mother, or guardian.

Wiesbaden had not to create any precedent in so far as the details of this entrance examination is concerned. Already in 1887 Hungary had furnished her with a very good example. In the Hungarian Minute of twenty years ago it is set forth that "in the examination of new scholars, held at the beginning of every year, the doctor shall satisfy himself as to the health and condition of all children, more especially giving attention to the heart and lungs, and make known to the teachers whether children can take the usual physical exercises or drill, singing, etc. He will also test the eyesight, and the colour sense, examine ears, teeth,