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LABOUR IN MADRAS 85 not your ranks be divided, and as long as you do that, success for you is certain in the end. I do not want you to lose heart. Our work is going on very well, money is coming in, in fact everything is smoothly going on and all that I require of you is a little patience, a united stand. Concluding the proceedings Mr. Wadia said : You have heard the message that our friend has brought to us from Mahatma Gandhi. You have given to him the message that he takes from you to Mahatma Gandhi. And I want to add one more thing on your behalf, and I will ask our friend to carry that also to Mahatma Gandhi. It is this : tbat we will do here in this place in his absence as much as we possibly can to carry out his programme, his principles, his views of soul-force and of life. I will add this, that the struggle before us seems so hard and we are all so de termined to win, that if need be as soon as he is well enough to come in our midst he should come to our help and our aid. (At a further meeting of the Madras Labour Union on the December 13th, with Mr. Wadia, in the chair, a resolution embodying the terms of the labourers for a settlement was passed which the Union's 18 elected representatives would present to the Mill authorities that evening. This move on the part of the Union was in response to the message which Mr. Andrews brought from Messrs. Binny & Co., as a result of his intervention.) Last afternoon we fully explained to you the terms on which we want to negotiate, having received a message through our friend, Mr. C. F. Andrews, from