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LABOUR IN MADRAS 87 he will do his utmost to promote good feeling and deal strictly and impartially with any cases of ill-treatment or harshness that are brought before him and proved to be true. (iii) That, subject to the behaviour of labourers being found satisfactory, the Manager will restore the quartershare of gratuity fund declared forfeited for 12 months from the day of workmen returning to work (iv) That the Mills will, if possible, resume work on 24 hours' notice being given of acceptance of the terms by this deputation. (v) That the Managers undertake that there shall be no victimization. These are the points with which our representatives will go to-morrow morning. There is something more on the remaining two points. But what I want you to understand is this that in giving these terms we are doing I think a very true and right thing. As to the two other points, viz., the pay of lock-out days and the reinstatement of workmen who have been dismissed, I have drawn up a separate resolution with the consent of our 18 representatives. " That this meeting of the Madras Labour Union agrees not to claim in the above resolution pay for lockout days or reinstatement of dismissed men, but hereby requests Mr. C. F. Andrews to do his utmost to intercede for them on the matter after the Mills have been opened." Now, I want you to carefully consider these resolutions in the light of all that has happened and I think you will come to the same conclusion that I have come to, that taking everything into consideration we have won a fair victory. I will tell you where that