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very critical and I appeal to my countrymen to help. B. P. Wadia. Thirdly: The Labour Employment Bureau was opened, the following notice of which appeared in the papers of December 12th. THE LABOUR EMPLOYMENT BUREAU ITS USEFULNESS TO THE PUBLIC Last week Mr. Wadia announced at the Labour Union meeting that a Labour Employment Bureau has been established with a view to find employment for all those labourers, skilled or unskilled, who have been turned out of employment and are members of the various Labour Unions in the city. While such a Bureau is essential as a subsidiary activity of the Unions, its usefulness to the public was not explained at the time. Its organization is perhaps more welcome to the general public than to the Union members. The scarcity of labour, specially skilled, has been keenly felt by many employers for some years past, and it has been steadily growing specially in the outlying towns. For business employing machinery, the task of obtaining trained recruits had been extremely difficult, and to all such employers and organizers, this Employment Bu reau must be a veritable God-send. PLENTY OF SKILLED LABOUR Under present circumstances, the Bureau can supply hundreds of skilled labourers for any kind of specialized work. Employers desirous of having them must apply early because several labourers in spite of their excellent training to handle machinery are returning to their villages for want of employment here. From the patrio otic stand-point too, it is essential to prevent such an