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114 LABOUR IN MADRAS labourers. A good instance of what we did, I will give you, which took place yesterday afternoon. When the first trouble arose, between the labourers and the Mill authorities some time ago and when a number of people came to see me in my office, it was impossible for me to see them in my room. I asked a few people to see me and talk the matter over with meat Adyar, and they were somewhat surprised when chairs were offered to every single one of them. That was the treatment that we who are conducting the Labour Union gave the labourers and they had a reception yesterday which made them remember it. Eighteen representatives of the Madras Labour Union went because they were requested to go with the help of Mr. Andrews when the European staff headed by Sir Clement Simpson were seated in chairs. Mr. C. F. Andrews observed that through the whole of the interview all parties were standing. The labourers complained that the treatment meted out to them yesterday was very different from that given by the leaders of the Labour Union. It was a manifestation of self-respect on the part of the labourers and they refused any more to take ill-treatment, abuse or blows of any kind whatsoever lying down. That is as it should be. That is the main issue. Because they want to disband the Labour Union they tried various methods into details of which I do not want to go as the matter is under discussion. But step by step we have proceeded and we have come to a position where men, yesterday afternoon, after consultation with me and among themselves, have come to the resolution that they will not go to the Mills unless Messrs. Binny