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116 LABOUR IN MADRAS the women members of the labour families grumbling. But let me pay my little tribute to them also. For when it was explained to them by some of my agents, in one day a hundred women members of various la bour families joined the Labour Urion. (Cheers.) Patiently, day after day, they have listened to the words of advice. Very great fears were expressed by certain friends because of the economic distress that is already prevailing in the city. I am confident of one thing that unless something unforeseen happens at Perambore where these men are living will be the last place where looting will take place. Some weeks ago when there was looting in Madras I am proud to say our Labour Union shops were not looted, our Labour Union men were not found looting anywhere. During these 19 days I have been very carefully watching ; not one man who has been found drunk. (Cheers.) That is the kind of fight that my associates are carrying on and in which they require your help. I am not going to announce the funds for obvious reasons, but I assure you that every pie received will be carefully applied to the redress of the grievances of the people and when the struggle is over we shall publish accounts and show their disposal. Mr. Andrews told you what English students did there. Here students are prohibited from entering into active political discussions but in social welfare work of their brethren they may be allowed to go from place to place and collect money, and that is what we are going to do and we shall organise on Monday at 5-15 P. M. at the Home Rule League head-quarters at Broadway, a small meeting of young friends who want to help us and be volunteers going from place to place