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129 you have started more than a week ago. Every day that goes by shows the inner strength which lies at the foundation of your Tramway Men's Union. I think the time has come for you to realize one more important fact and that point I am going to put to you this after noon. You must realize that in the struggle that lies in front of you, you must not only stand united as I advised you, but you must insist on doing one important thing, you must clearly ipsist that your Union is recognized in any kind of negotiation that is carried on. Do not negotiate outside the ranks of the Union. Do not let anyone negotiate save your own President of the Tramway Men's Union. If anyone comes to you you must give the answer that they must go to the President of the Union. And in this remember that you are fighting not only your battle but you are fighting the cause of the poor labourers in this country of India. And for this reason : once these employers of labour realized that Unions must be recognized in all disputes then it will be possible for us to do the work that we want to do and help you in elevating your sufferings and raising your status in society. Therefore my first advice to you is stand altogetber united. My second advice to you is that you must let the Union and the President of the Union negotiate any kind of settlement whatsoever. If people come to you and bring you any kind of terms to go to work, your answer in every single case is “go to the President of our Union." That is a very, very important thing and I want you to clearly think of it. I know of the nature of the struggle that later you will have to carry on when the strike is over. And we must try to lay proper foundations for the building that we will have to raise