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LABOUR IN MADRAS 131 struggle not for yourselves only but for all the poor I abourers everywhere. Public sympathy is with you; and efforts are being made to show the cause which is yours to the public and make them understand actually what is happening. A public meeting is to be held the day after to-morrow at Gokhale Hall when Mrs. Besant will preside. (Loud cheers.) And we will explain to the public how you are suffering and whose mistake it is that the tramways are not running in the City of Madras. Your President is doing all he possibly can for you and your duty is to stand by the Union, of which he is the President, and follow the lead that he can give you, That is the advice that I want to give to-day and I want you to thoroughly consider it and be ready and prepared to give a considered answer to anyone who comes to you, asking him to go to the President for any terms that he may propose. (Loud cheers.) ON MARCH 25TH MY BROTHERS,--You are all aware of the big meeting which took place in the Gokhale Hall on last Sunday. Through it the public of Madras have come to know intimately of your grievances. As a result of that meeting, this morning's paper, the Madras Times, has written an article on the Tramwaymen's strike. I do not think it necessary for me to reply tothe various allegations and remarks that are made in that article. But I want to refer to one particular point which has some intimate relation with our strike. It is said the Tramway Company is fighting pluckily against you people, who are trying to take from them in an unfair manner and, a strong word is used for you, namely, that you are trying to