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6. The night work of young persons employed in industry.


1. Concerning public employment exchanges.

2. Concerning reciprocity of treatment of foreign workers.

3. Concerning the prevention of anthrax.

4. Concerning the prevention of women and children against lead poisoning.

5. Concerning the establishment of Government Health Services.

6. Concerning the application of the Berne Convention of 1906, on the prohibition of the use of white phosphorus in the manufacture of matches.

1. The application of the principle of an eight hour day and forty-eight hour week

"In British India the principle of a sixty-hour week shall be adopted for all workers in the industries at present covered by the Factory Acts administered by the Government of India in mines, and in such branches of railway work as shall be specified for this purpose by the competent authority. Any modification of this limitation made by the competent authority shall be subject to the provisions of Articles 6 and 7 of this Convention. In other respects the provisions of this Convention shall not appply to India, but further provisions limiting the hours of work in India shall be considered at a future meeting of the General Conference." (Article 10)

2. The question of preventing or providing against unemployment.

The Draft Convention proposes the establishment