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weighed in lbe. 62 STATEMENT SHOWING THE AVERAGE WEIGHTS OF PRISONERS AND OF MLL OPERATIVES." Number Number of operaAverage tives, Average of pri. Number Province Average | weight other weight of soners weight ! REMARKS. in lbs. weighed than wearers in lbs. Weavers weighed Bombay... .. 2.656 113.19 735 109-093, 288 104-110 Central Provinces 1,746 110.46 100 100-92 107 Bengal... 6,834 106-157 140 | 107-989 32 106-25 Average weight of prisoners in the United Provinces, Eastern Bengal | 116 8 lbs. and Assani ... 3,046 110.846 20 | 108 | Burma ... ... 6,340 120.61 42 117-142 " Average weight of prisoners in the Rajahmur dry Central Jail Madras, generally, 114'38 lbs. Madrsg. 7,818 114.38 104 103-634 20 98 United Provinces of Agra and Oudb. 9,680 | 115-03 117 107-016 200 110-705 Punjab... 5,998 | 120-42 115 113.808 • Indian Fucury Labour Commission Report, APPENDIX C. Factory Labour Commission Report, p. 90.) the Indian operatives. to mill life regard it as worse than jail life." manager of a big Nagpur factory that "those accusto.ned This explains the remark of the that prisoners in Indian jails are better nourished than (Indian LABOUR IN MADRAS 181