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196 LABOUR IN MADRAS our Union into existence and looked after it in the early days of its struggles, and we owe our present consolidated position greatly to you. We request you to represent us before the Labour Party Conference, the Trade Union Congress, the Parliamentary Committee of the Trade Union Congress and the Secretary of the Labour Party, and enlist their support to our cause. You are fully acquainted with our various difficulties and grievances which we in most cases share with our countrymen and we would request you to bring them thoroughly to the notice of the British Democracy. We wish you a safe and happy journey to England, a successful stay there, and an early return to our midst. We remain, Yours affectionately, THE MEMBERS OF THE MADRAS TRAMWAYMEN'S UNION. Madras, 6th May, 1919. To B. P. Wadia, Esq., President, the Madras Labour Union. Respected Sir, We, the Members of the Rickshawalla's Union, beg to put on record your services on our behalf. At a time of great distress you came to our rescue and organised us and enabled us to form a Union. Our coming to gether has been of great help to us, and what little improvement we have attained is to a great extent due to you. You are going to Great Britain, and we want to take this opportunity of requesting you to represent our