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203 must be added to the length of his active day, which cannot then be less than 13 hours." In the matter of wages the law is dumb. In the matter of sanitation and factory inspection it speaks in hålting tones, and those who have practical experience know how superficial is the actual inspection, and how ineffective really in bettering the lot of the labourer. Thus it will be perceived that the record of the administration in improving and bettering the condition of the factory labourer is not a satisfactory one. This point is not only of academic interest, but becomes a matter of urgent practical importance when we see that the Report of the Functions Committee makes the “settlement of labour disputes" and the "welfare of labour, including provident funds, industrial insurance (general, health and accident) and housing ' reserved subjects. I do not quite understand why the somewhat peculiar arrangement detailed below is resorted to in that Report. If we refer to p. 26 of the Functions Committee Report and look at items 24 and 25, and then turn to p. 46 and look at serial No. 15, we find that No. 24, development of Industries, including industrial research and technical education," is a transferred subject, in all provinces, while No. 25, "Industrial matters included under the following heads: (o) Factories.. (6) Settlement of labour disputes, (c) Electricity. (d) Boilore, (e) Gas, (7) Smoke nuisance, and (g) Walfare of labour, including provident funds, industrial iusurance (general, health and scoident) and housing" are reserved in all provinces.