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220 LABOUR IN MADRAS gether for all the poor people and the most unfortunato agricultural labourer and the mine worker ; but as I pointed out, and it has been very carefully worked out by the Neo-Fabian Society of Madras, in the Madras Presidency alone, on that supposition of a wide franchise, the figure would come to 4,000,000. That compares, from the point of view of the Southborough Report, very unfavourably, because they give only a few thousands there. So that, having to keep that in mind, and the Bill as it is framed and as it stands at present, I myself, as I say in my Memorandum, reluctantly abandoned the 4,000,000. Then I give, from the point of view of the factory labourer two schemes, one which enables him to elect a representative of his own on a wage earning qualification, and I suggest a certain figure of 15 rupees for the Madras Presidency. That figure I have given tentatively, because on account of various reasons, I think it will presently be raised, but at any rate it is my opinion that we must fix a particular wage-earning capacity, different perhaos in different cities, because the wages are higher in Calcutta and Bombay. Just interrupting you a moment. It is correct that the Bombay Government did ascertain the figures of wage earners above a certain amount with a view to recommending their being given the franchise ?... I have heard that: how far it is true I am not in a position authoritatively to say, but I have heard it. What you are really seeking is not so much the addition of these people to the electorate as a class, you are not asking for class representation so much as you are wishful to extend the franchise generally?... Yes : but as I say, if that is not possible, and I can quite see