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WE ARE BROTHERS Now the first thing I want you to grasp is that all of us are brothers. There are many among you who think that we people are something big, something special, something that you are not. I want you to give up that idea. There is no difference between you and us. When the Great War of Kurukshethra took place on the battle-weld Lord Krishna spoke to Arjuna and said that there is nothing in the whole universe that is bereft of Him. All human beings, men and women, are divine. There is God within each one of you and that God is your only helper, the only person who will bless you, instruct you, inspire you, show the way out of darkness unto light. You are all Gods; you are all divine. If other people are learned to-day and if you are not so learned, then you have to make an effort. You have all of you a mind just as the learned have. That gift of mind---manas—comes to you from Godhead. The use of that mind will enable you to realize that you alone can solve your difficulties, your troubles and your trials and that you can help not only yourselves but other people. Each one of you can help every other brother of yours inside or outside the factory. I am here not only to help you in the way that I can help ycu, but I am here also to receive help from you. I want to understand your conditions, the nature of your mind, what you are thinking about what you are feeling about yourselves and the great work that is going on in this country of ours, HOME RULE We all talk of Swaraj, but before that comes, I want to know what you are going to do with the