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LABOUR IN MADRAS 51 and therefore we cannot help restricting sale of rice to members of the Union only. Those of you who are members of the Union and therefore hold a ticket should go to the shop with that ticket. We have issued strict instructions that no one who does not produce a ticket should be given rice. I request you to remember that without a ticket the shop will not be able to supply you the required rice. The second point that I want you to realise is that the rice problem is becoming every day more and more difficult of solution. As far as the Labour Union members are concerned, they will be all right : they will get rice at our shop ; but for others in the whole city of Madras, nay in the whole Presidency, the situation is grave. Therefore I want you in this meeting assembled of our Labour Union to pass a resolution which I am going to move from the chair. If you pass it, I propose to send a copy of it to the proper authorities. The resolution is as follows: "That in view of the increasing difficulty experienced in obtaining food-stuffs in the city and of the unprecedented rise in prices during the past few weeks, the Madras Labour Union strongly appeals to the Goveroment of India to conserve the available stock of food-stuffs by an immediate prohibition of all exports and to take more effective measures to secure its proper distribution in the country." The resolution was put to the meeting and carried unanimously.' Mr. Wadia continuing said: Now that you have passed this resolution I will send it to the proper authorities and let us hope that other