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LABOUR IN MADRAS 55 world. In Germany, in Russia, in Turkey, the Socialists, the Labourers, the masses of the people have worked up to a point where they have gained freedom for themselves. And therefore I want you to realise, as a lesson of the great War, the power that you possess in your own hands and in your own hearts. Remember that on you to a great extent will depend the freedom and the liberty of our country. It is not the few politicians of our country, not the few men is the Legislative Councils of Delhi, Bombay or Madras, not the few educated people who will be able to do much, but it would be you if you take help from them, inspiration from them, give your aid and co-operation to them; then alone the success of your great work will come without harm or injury to anyone. And therefore on this occasion I advise you to study the conditions of your country and of yourselves, and like men stand up for your own opinions, your own ideas, your own rights and your own liberty. Follow no leaders who are not patriots, who do not give you a sound and right advice. In the whole of India there are two political bodies whose opinions and views you ought to follow, whom you should always support, and listen to no other talk, argument or discussion; these bodies are the National Congress and the Muslim organisation, the All India Muslim League. (Cheers.) Those are the two great voices of the Motherland and there is no third voice or authority which you can hear or follow without making due enquiry. The opinions of those two bodies you can follow with certainty, and all other opinions you must consider carefully; look for the opinions that come from the Congress and the Muslim League ; and remember