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64 LABOUR IN MADRAS After yesterday's meeting I have been able to send the following telegram to Mahatma Gandhi: “Madras Labour Union passed this resolution to-day; that this meeting of the Madras Labour Union rejoices at the news that Mahatma Gandhi is in good health and hereby requests its President to send a message to Mahatma Gandhi with a prayer that he may immedia tely come to Madras to assist the labourers in this hour of great crisis." And I have added the words : “Mills unjustly closed, acute suffering among labourers, food-stuffs sold famine prices, no other employ ment. Starvation feared unless immediately relieved. Labourers willing to follow your instructions implicitly." This telegram was sent yesterday night. The days before our leader arrives in Madras we are going to utilise in a particular manner. First we are going to collect all the information that we can about the mills and the kind of treatment meted out to labourers in the Buckingham and Carnatic Mills. We will therefore ask you to come here to-morrow and the following days and on all the days that you can find time, taking advantage of this lock-out, and to give us information. We will collect all the information that we can, so that when Mahatma Gandhi comes here he can make use of that information. I would therefore request you that when you give information you do not say anything that is not actually the truth. This is the first work which we are going to do, and whether it takes a few days or many days, we are determined to carry on that work and collect all information that we can collect. That is the first thing I want to speak to you about.